More Than the Yellow Pages
By Elizabeth Lipinski on July 27, 2013
It can be daunting: You're thinking about a new website but the world of the web seems to be changing faster than anyone can keep up. You might be asking yourself What's next? or Where do we go from here?
It's not as simple as the yellow pages ads of yore – back then, a company could put one ad there and be done. The path to success was relatively spelled out, build a local market and expand geographically as possible – often using the same ad for other publications. The simplicity of logo recognition and an easy-to-remember telephone numbers are on their own a thing of the past.
Interesting thing is that it wasn't inexpensive to put out those ads. Still isn't.
The web changed how we approach our advertising and where we put our marketing dollars, but there's a basic premise that remains: in the way a yellow pages ad reflected a company, so does a website. Where you take it from there is up to you.