With thousands of professionals to certify the The National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) has some serious data needs. NASSCO trains and certifies professionals to evaluate and repair sewers. They set the standards in their industry and certify trainers who run classes throughout the country. Municipalities and local governments require these certifications for organizations and individuals working on maintaining sewer infrastructure throughout North America. With a small office staff to manage memberships, classes, and certifications, NASSCO wanted to automate processes by offering web based tools for members, students and trainers.
Membership Management
We migrated membership data from NASSCO’s legacy system into Drupal. With an on-line membership application users can come into the site and apply for one of NASSCO’s different memberships, including organizational membership that give benefits to employees. The membership approval workflow was automated in the process. Users apply for membership, board members approve new members, applicants pay for their membership, and once payment is confirmed the membership is automatically activated.
Class Registrations and Certificate Management
Before bringing the new system on-line, class registrations were managed by NASSCO’s small office with a mix of paper forms, electronic documents, and many phone calls. Now armed with a suite of online tools, trainers can manage their own classes, including posting classes to the website, managing registrations, and submitting class summaries to activate certifications.
Learning Management System ( LMS) Integration
Recertification classes can be taken online through a Drupal based Learning Management System ( LMS) integrated with the main site. Certified individuals get notified of a pending expiration with automated emails and through displays on their user dashboard. From there they sign up and pay for recertification, and take the course and exam at their own convenience. Once they pass, their certification is updated and they can continue to download certificates in PDF format.
Role Based Dashboards: Put The Right Tools In Front Of The Right Users
Once a user registers on the NASSCO, they get taken to their My NASSCO every time they login. My NASSCO puts everything they need on the same page. All users can search for classes and find instructors. Members see their membership expiration date and can download membership certificates. Members can also submit content to the website like job openings, news items, and manufacturer’s technical specifications. Trainer get tools to manage their class and manuals. They can add classes, manage student rosters, add class documents, cancel classes, and view class summaries.